Uh oh..do you hear what I hear? That’s right, the holidays are HERE!
Whether you are staying home for the holidays, traveling, or hiding under the covers, a splash of holiday STYLE is sure to make you smile! Ok, that was corny even by my standards.
FashionSHEsta Style for the Holidays! The simple FashionSHEsta formula for Style whether it’s for your wardrobe or your home is as simple as getting some inspo from current TRENDS and having some Essentials on hand.
Let’s begin with TRENDS:
Some Trends here in the US for Holiday 2021 are:
Vintage Brooches
Nostalgic Decor
When it comes to makeup, the trend is shimmer and glitter
So, what does someone living the FashionSHEsta lifestyle do with these things to add some Style and Happiness to Everyday things this Holiday season?
She begins with the S in FashionSHEsta --The Style category
and decides which Trends and Essentials she will add to her wardrobe, home, or office!
Let’s go over the Trends again...
Velvet - Velvet was originally made from silk. When I say originally I‘m talking about 2000 BC and it was exclusive to royalty. Velvet made from silk is pretty tricky to find in 2021, the majority of velvet in the US is a synthetic blend. Don’t panic! There’s no need to channel your inner Anne Buhlyn or transform your home to look like Buckingham Palace.
The holidays are a great way to give a nod to Santa’s style without having to travel by sleigh. Although, I dont recommend head-to-toe velvet.
Ways I do recommend working velvet into your WARDROBE are:
Decide where you want the eye to go… do you have fabulous legs? Try a pair of black velvet leggings with a red and black checked buffalo plaid top or poncho...yes, I did say poncho.
If you want to draw the eye up, a beautiful velvet top is a way to go...straight to your special someone’s heart!
If you are on a date or out for a romantic dinner, a velvet top is a way to go. Choose emerald green, pewter, or whatever is a flattering color for your complexion. Black can be a little harsh as a top because it absorbs light instead of illuminating your pretty face.
A #winhishearthack on a dinner date is to wear a top that looks appealing to touch...silk, cashmere, velvet. *Also, if you have the opportunity to choose the restaurant, choose one with good lighting in addition to good food (No Denny's fluorescent lighting;-)
Shoes (think velvet smoking slippers--check out the brand, Birdies. Other ways are accessories or even an oversized blazer with a pair of boyfriend jeans is something you can wear during and after the holidays.
Velvet is becoming a seasonless fabric the way leather is. And YES it can be worn during the daytime, just don't do velvet on velvet--a velvet dress with a velvet shoe is a fashion DON’T.
Speaking of seasonless, you may have heard that luxe brands like Gucci are choosing to go seasonless reducing their collections down to 2x a year instead of 5, so hold on to pieces in your wardrobe with higher-end fabrics and you’ll be ahead of the game when it comes to seasonless “Essentials”- such as Blouses, solid sweaters, etc
A couple of ways to work velvet into your home could be a few strategically placed throw pillows, a duvet for a romantic luxe look to your bedroom, tying a red velvet ribbon into a bow around flatware is unique and chic.
I’m really happy about this next trend…
Antique brooches! If you’re lucky, you might have one from your grandmother, if not, you can always find them at a thrift store or on eBay. Don't wince at Thrifting, it’s VERY popular. If you dont want to do the thrifting yourself you can find some great buys on apps like Poshmark. Find me on Poshmark @FashionSHEsta
So, how do we style brooches in 2021?
The most common and traditional area to place a brooch is the upper left shoulder portion of a dress or blouse. BUT this is almost 2022 -- anything goes! A hot trend I’ve seen is to cluster them...just make sure they complement each other - all silver-toned, rhinestones, marcasites etc.
Add one to a handbag or even a winter hat.
Brooches used in place of a napkin ring are also unique and chic and a great conversation starter for a dinner party with the girls.
Add some to a wreath, Christmas stocking, or get crazy and turn them into magnets for your refrigerator or memo board! Use your creativity and make it your signature style for the holidays!
I mentioned using brooches on linen napkins- you can attach them to a napkin ring which leads into the next trend for Holiday 2021...
My mother, rest in peace, would be out of her mind excited that one of her favorite things to do is “in style!” She never viewed herself as a FashionSHEsta, but she was. When she passed away, she had at least a half dozen different sets of china, as well as flatware and enough linens to host a banquet of 500! Truly, her tablescapes definitely had the WOW factor.
If you want to level-up your table this season, head back to the thrift store and see what treasures await--beautiful glassware (CHEAP), linens, china, napkin rings--it’s all there.
If thrifting or designing a tablescape isn't your thing, you can now buy a table-scape kit! Just add dishes...and candles.
One of my mom’s dinner party tricks was to use tealights that lasted around 4 hours, her guests knew that last call was when the tea-lights went out!
Greenery is an obvious holiday Essential but this year it’s doubled up! Double up on the green garland for extra lushness around your home.
Add some fresh rosemary to a centerpiece, bouquet of red or white roses, or a cocktail. I’m loving a fresh sprig in my tequila and grapefruit cocktail. You can double up on the trends and add some greenery to your tablescape.
Nostalgic Decor — Don't shoot the messenger! (you’ll miss me eventually). By now, between the brooches, and nostalgic holiday decor, you’re probably convinced that I just finished the first issue of Good Housekeeping circa 1885 NOPE this info is legit 2021!
Go ahead, tell your mother that you DO want that green ceramic Christmas tree she made back in the 60s or early 70s. (wink)
The last 3 hot trends for Holiday 2021 are
- Shimmer
- Sequins
- Metallics
Not surprising to find these as holiday trends. The key is “less is more." Wear a metallic shoe or handbag, use a shimmery tablecloth or runner for your tablescape, wear that sequin top you bought because it was such a great buy but never wore.
Other than less is more, I will also add that normal sized sequins are in style, the big ones that look like Rainbow Fish’s scales are not...you know the ones, they are about the size of a dime-- buh bye
When it comes to makeup, the trend is shimmer and glitter-
Makeup is extra shimmery this year and here’s what I recommend for us “model-agers”
If you LOOOOVE glitter then have at it! If you’re a little more conservative but want to feel up to date then I recommend adding shimmer on either your nails, lips, or body. Get crazy and do all three for NYE but stay away from anything shiny on your face or eyes, it's NOT flattering over 50-regardless of fillers and Botox.
A way that I use shimmer year-round is on my body WHAT, WHAT?
Yes! A quick way to look toned with a soft touch of glam is to shimmer your bones! Lol Apply to the front of the shin (not knees), shoulders, clavicle, arm bones -down the center.
If you want to try this you can make your own body shimmer by using a soft neutral shadow or highlighter with shimmer/frost. Crush approximately 1/8th of a tsp and mix with a ½ cup of lotion, body oil, or even sunscreen.
That's all for now, make sure you're signed up for my newsletter so you don't miss a thang:-)
Check back next week for some handy dandy tips for Mindset during the holidays!